Impact Grant Applications

There are three deadlines this school year. Applications may be submitted at any time, and will be reviewed and awarded approximately one week following each of these dates:

Tuesday, September 17 at 11:59pm
Tuesday, November 12 at 11:59pm
Tuesday, February 4 at 11:59pm

Applicants will now have the option of uploading a video essay to answer application questions in lieu of written essay responses. Please enter the text “See Video” in the required text fields and follow prompts to upload your video in the application portal.

We have added an FAQ section below to help clarify grant criteria. If you have a question that is not answered below, please contact

We look forward to hearing your ideas!

school music program


What makes for a strong ASF Grant application?

ASF prioritizes funding proposals for projects or activities that directly involve students and are beneficial and impactful to their education. Grant applications should include a clear description of the proposal and how it will enhance and elevate a student’s learning experience. Grant projects should promote equity and inclusivity, and be accessible to all students in the class. When possible, materials should be sourced locally and sustainably.


How much money can I apply for?

Typical Classroom Impact Grants range from $100-$600. There is no limit to the amount you can apply for. If your proposal impacts more than one classroom or costs significantly more than the amount listed above, it may qualify for an ASF Education Support grant. Please contact directly with your inquiry for more information.


Can an ASF grant pay for wages, salaries or contracts?

ASF grants may pay for contractors or specialists for up to $30/hr.


Can I apply for the same grant I received in previous years?

Teachers are welcomed to apply for repeat projects, though the Foundation may choose to prioritize other proposals to create new opportunities for other teachers.


How many grants can I apply for in a year?

There is no limit to the number of grants a teacher can apply for in a year, however we will only accept one application per classroom in the first round of funding this year. If you apply for more than one grant in the later deadlines, please indicate which grants are of highest priority to you.


Can I write an ASF Grant for a field trip?

ASF Grants may cover registration and event ticket expenses for trips, however funds cannot be used to cover travel or lodging expenses.


Does ASF pay for food?

Grant funds may be spent on food for use in projects or lessons, such as a cooking class or science experiment. ASF does not fund consumables for celebrations or incentives.


Can I apply for general classroom supplies and materials?

Teachers are encouraged to apply for what they need, however the Grants Committee will prioritize activity and project based learning opportunities.


Does ASF pay for technology equipment and/or software?

All technology, electronic equipment and software requests will be sent to the district IT department for approval, and to assess feasibility.


Do I need to spend the entire grant this school year?

Grants are intended to be used in the year they are awarded. Special exceptions can be made in some circumstances at the discretion of the Foundation. Contact if you find you are unable to spend grant funds in the current school year.


Additional disclaimers:

Grant requests may be partially funded based on availability and priority status.

Grants that are eligible but not of high priority to the Grants Committee may be postponed for approval later in the school year based on availability of funds.

Any purchase made using ASF Grant funding is the property of the Ashland School District.

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